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Login to North West London Pathology – consumables service

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Results Line and Enquiries

0203 313 5353

HIV 1 & 2 serology screen

Category Virology
Test background

Screening test for HIV 1 and 2 antibodies, and for HIV p24 antigen

Clinical Indications

Screen for evidence of HIV infection

Reference range


Sample & container required RST (rust top)
Sample volume 5 mL
Turnaround time 3 days (Confirmation: non-negatives up to 10 days)

All reactive samples undergo confirmatory testing, and a repeat sample is also required.

For antenatal HIV screen, please select the antenatal HIV serology test request within the antenatal IDPS screen order-set.

The confirmation assay for this test is currently unaccredited due to a relocation of the analyser (no changes to assay used)