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0203 313 5353

Anti-Mϋllerian hormone (AMH)

Category Biochemistry >> Endocrinology
Test background

AMH can be used to assess ovarian reserve and has the advantage that, compared with FSH, inhibin A/B and ultrasound antral follicular count, levels are relatively unaffected by the menstrual cycle and typically show low intra-individual variation. With respect to Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART), AMH has been used to rationalise treatment regimes in controlled ovarian stimulation, thus reducing risk of hyper-stimulation (OHSS) and often reducing treatment costs.

Clinical Indications

Assessment of appropriate stimulation regimes in ART Risk mitigation of OHSS in fertility treatment. Occasionally used in differential diagnosis and monitoring of ovarian tumours

Reference range

Adult males 10.2 – 82.8 pmol/L

Adult females AMH levels decline with age and interpretation is therefore most appropriately made by the fertility specialist requesting the test and in conjunction with the antral follicle count.

The following is a general guide:
 pmol/L Fertility potential
<4.9 Reduced
4.9-16.2 Normal
>16.2 High


Sample & container required Serum (red top) or (gold top) or lithium heparin plasma (green top)
Sample volume 0.5 mL
Transport storage Please freeze pending dispatch for analysis. Send to lab frozen.
Turnaround time 3 Days

Falsely low results may be obtained for this test due to biotin interference. Samples should not be taken from patients receiving therapy with high biotin doses (>5 mg/day) until at least 8 hours (ideally 2 days) following the last biotin administration.

Grossly haemolysed samples are unsuitable for this assay.