Faecal ova, cyst and parasite (OCP)
Category | Microbiology |
Test background | |
Clinical Indications |
ONLY performed on samples submitted with relevant clinical details, e.g.: |
Sample & container required | Faecal sample; Whole parasite or segments; Sellotape slide for pinworm investigation |
Sample volume | 5-10 mL |
Sample container | Sterile universal container |
Sample collection | Sellotape slides for pinworm investigations should be taken using clear sellotape. Apply the adhesive side of the sticky tape to the perianal region first thing in the morning. Remove and stick the tape onto a glass slide, adhesive side down. Ensure that the slide is fully labelled, then place it in a sterile universal container or alternatively, place in a small plastic bag which should then be placed in a padded jiffy bag. The container containing the slide should contain full patient details including name, date of birth and NHS number. |
Transport storage | Transport to the laboratory on the day of collection or refrigerate overnight; For invasive amoebiasis, a fresh 'hot' sample should be transported to the laboratory as soon as possible |
Turnaround time | 3 days |
Notes | Samples may be referred to the Hospital for Tropical Diseases and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine for further investigation. |