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Login to North West London Pathology – consumables service

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0203 313 5353

Group and Antibody Screen

Category Blood Transfusion
Test background

Used to identify a person’s ABO and Rh D blood group and antibody status. The test is essential for patients who may require a blood transfusion.

Clinical Indications

To Establish the ABO and D group prior to transfusion or in pregnancy

To detect circulating antibodies to red cell antigens in the patients plasma

Reference range

Not applicable

Sample & container required EDTA (pink top)
Sample volume 1 mL for < 4 months old; 4 mL for paediatrics; 6 mL for adults
Turnaround time Routine samples: 4 hours / Urgent samples 1 hour

There must be different tubes for blood grouping and FBC- samples will not be shared.

A maternal sample may also be required if transfusion is planned (neonatal requests)

May be referred to the NHS Blood and Transplant service for confirmation if necessary.