Hepatitis B surface antigen, hepatitis B serology, HBV testing
Category | Virology |
Test background |
Detection of antibodies to hepatitis B surface antigen. Acute illness causes liver inflammation, vomiting and jaundice. Chronic hepatitis B may eventually cause cirrhosis and liver cancer. The infection is preventable by vaccination. |
Clinical Indications |
Acute jaundice, history of IVDU or other risk behaviour. |
Sample & container required | RST (rust top) |
Sample volume | 5 mL |
Turnaround time | 3 days (Confirmation: non-negatives up to 10 days) |
Notes | If hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) is positive, further tests for markers of infection HBe-antigen, HBe-antibodies and HB core IgM will be performed. Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) is included in the routine antenatal screen. The confirmation test for Hepatitis B surface antigen and core total antibody is currently unaccredited due to a recent relocation of equipment |