Low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL)
Category | Biochemistry |
Test background |
The fasting lipid profile assesses total cholesterol, total triglycerides and high density lipoprotein cholesterol. From these, low density lipoprotein cholesterol is calculated. |
Clinical Indications |
Family history of cardiovascular or other thrombotic events Diagnosis and monitoring of hyperlipidaemia Monitoring of high-risk groups, eg. hypertensive, obese, diabetics, etc. |
Reference range | <3.0 mmol/L |
Sample & container required | SST (gold top) |
Sample volume | 0.5 mL |
Turnaround time | 1 day |
Notes | Non-HDL cholesterol (total chol minus HDL chol) is recommended for CVD risk prediction; fasting samples are not required for this. Non-HDL cholesterol targets for patients treated for CVD risk reduction are 40 % reduction from baseline (NICE CG181, 2014) or <2.5 mmol/L (JBS3. Heart 2014;100:ii1) The JBS3 CVD risk estimator is at http://www.jbs3risk.com/JBS3Risk.swf |