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Results Line and Enquiries

0203 313 5353

Meningitis Panel BioFire® FilmArray®

Category Microbiology
Test background

Multiplex PCR to detect the following pathogens:

Escherichia coli
Heamophilus influenzae
Listeria monocytogenes
Neisseria meningitides (encapsulated)
Streptococcus agalactiae
Streptococcus pneumoniae

Herpes simplex viruses 1, 2, 6
Human parechovirus
Varicella zoster virus

Cryptococcus neoformans/gattii

Clinical Indications

• Paediatric patients,
• patients with a positive CSF cell count where antibiotics have been given prior to CSF sampling,
• community CNS infections where the diagnosis is urgent and likely to be covered by the target organisms

Sample & container required CSF
Sample volume 0.4ml
Sample container Sterile universal
Sample collection

Aseptic collection into a sterile universal.

Transport storage Transport sample to Microbiology at Charing Cross hospital immediately.
Turnaround time 12 hours

Requests MUST be approved by a Microbiology or Virology Consultant.

This assay is not UKAS accredited.