Semen Analysis (Diagnostic)
Category | Andrology |
Test background |
Typically, semen consists of a mixture of secretions from several glands within the male genital tract. Only a small (~5 %) volume of the final ejaculate originates from the testis, within which spermatogenesis occurs. Male gametes (sperm) produced within the testis are necessary for a couple to conceive (achieve a pregnancy) and their presence is a determinant characteristic for the assessment of overall fertility status |
Clinical Indications |
Investigation of infertility or sub-fertility. |
Reference range | Semen analysis lower reference limits (95% confidence interval) for semen characteristics are taken from the World Health Organisation (WHO) Laboratory Manual for the examination and processing of human semen 6th Edition 2021. Volume 1.4 (mL) Sperm concentration 16.0 (10*6/mL) Total sperm number 39 (10*6 per ejaculate) Total motility 42 (%) Progressive motility 30 (%) Non-progressive motility 1 (%) Immotile 20 (%) Morphology 4 (% Normal forms) * Sperm Vitality 54 (% live) * PLEASE NOTE: the laboratory is not UKAS accredited for this test |
Sample & container required | A complete fresh ejaculate. Specimens must be collected in a toxicity-tested container provided by the Andrology laboratory. The Andrology department has 3 on site production rooms in which samples can be produced. Producing your sample in our department allows us to process your sample quickly (it should be tested within 60 minutes of production) and minimises the risk of certain effects on your sample e.g. delay in getting your sample to us or sample be subjected to fluctuations in temperature which will affect results. |
Turnaround time | 14 days |
Notes | The Andrology department operates an appointments system for diagnostic testing with appointments available between 09.30am and 13.30 Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays). |